Ground Bright Wings
Steal Spirit from Sky

Release the Psyche
Allow an Angel to Fly

~k. d’angelo


The myth of Eros and Psyche (Love and Soul), was written down by Apuleius in his classical work The Golden Ass, the story of his own spiritual evolution. He tells of a young woman’s journey (or the soul’s passage) from unconsciousness to consciousness through a process of loss, trials and tribulations. Eventually Psyche is reunited with her beloved husband, the god Eros or Amor, having at last found the secret of true beauty by spending time in the underworld. Interestingly, the reunion is accomplished not by her earnest, ineffective efforts, but by her unwavering desire for reconciliation. That yearning awakens all nature to come to her aid. In art throughout the ages, Psyche has been pictured as a woman with butterfly wings.

Pscyhe - Nikolaos Gyzis

Psyche Butterfly (Leptonsia nina)

Psyche Butterfly (Leptonsia nina)

The Psyche (Leptosia nina) is a small white butterfly of the family Pieridae (the Sulphurs, Yellows and whites) and is found in Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent. The upper forewing has a black spot on a mainly white background. The common name for this delicate flyer is “wandering snowflake”.