Licensing & Permission

Licence & Permission

— help us soar—


Upon golden wing take flight, dance the skies as an untethered kite ~K. D’Angelo

Kindly request permission to use the copyrighted material which have been used to create The White Butterfly Fund web site. ALL rights reserved, licensing available upon request. If you have been inspired by the work featured here please consider a donation to support this site. A percentage of the proceeds from sales of goods sold via the white butterfly fund will be used to help support the CrossBreeze Charities‘ Therapeutic Butterfly Garden Grant

A most sincere thank you
~ Kristen D’Angelo

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The Content of this web site and all copyright and other intellectual property rights therein belong to The White Butterfly Fund and its Content provider, Kristen D’Angelo.  Use of the Site and its Content, including modification, publication, transmission, creation of derivative works, incorporation into another web site or reproducing the Site or the Content (whether by linking, framing or any other method) is not permitted without prior express written consent.




